This past week has been non stop at our house. I knew once Thanksgiving week began it would be go-go-go!!!! (And it is!). We went to the LA Auto Show last Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and everyone knows how I love Craig Ferguson - host of the Late, Late Show, anyway he has a skit that involves the Ford Flex - it's hilarious.... he is a Scottish rocker just "off the plane..." So at the show there is a Ford Flex Lounge with multitudes of them, including this totally cool air brushed one that had the wheel rims that spin, underneath the spinner part is am airbrushed picture. It was awesome. Nothing too exciting. Of course, I LOVE the new Jaguar (in Black). There was this green jeep which reminded me of G.I. Joe. And the Black Beetle that Volkswagen is using in their commercials was on display. It is such an event for us because me and Dave go with my Dad and my sister and her husband. We stop at Philippes for dinner - French Dips, Chili and Tapioca pudding. Then we head over to the Convention Center. So much construction is going on down there right now it is hard to recognize much. The Kodak Theater is new (from last year) and the Ritz Leisure Living is being constructed. Hard to believe not too long ago I went to College down there. Seventh and Flower, five days a week!
What a cool adventure!
Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a big Craig Ferguson fan too, btw. Would you believe I've never been to Philipe's even tho it was one of my grandmother's favorite restaurants (she called it Felipe's tho so I thought it was a Mexican restaurant for the longest time-lol!)
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