Our parish was fortunate enough to host an evening with John
Angotti last Wednesday night. He shared with us "Rise Up, My People," "Stand in the Light," "I Send You Out," and "Here I Am." If you have never heard John play you are missing a wonderful experience for your whole family. John is a Catholic musician who was formerly a Music Director who wrote his own music.
Parishioners would ask him for copies of his music so he recorded some, that was the beginning. And now he has six
CD's included a Live CD and travels all over the country performing at parishes, music halls, fairs, and weddings. Through his ministry of music and word, John
Angotti shares his experiences and message that Jesus is Lord and Savior of us all. "....When I look back on my path of life, it all becomes so clear as to God's call, but I know that if I didn't fall and stumble along the way, I would never know what it means to be forgiven by a God who truly loves each and everyone of us..."
Susan, your reflection of life and how the hand of God is upon us, guiding us daily is awesome. It inpired me today. Thank you.
too bad he hurts with lust
Good words.
To the Anonymous person that left the last comment. I'm so sorry that you feel you need to do things like this. It is really a very cowardly thing to do. If you want to talk to John, it is easy to contact him through his website or MySpace. Please know that you are in my prayers with hopes of God taking away the agony, malevolence and acridity that you are feeling and will fill that place with contentment, geniality and the peace that only the Holy Spirit can give.
pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!
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