The Los Angels County Fair has always been an event that I have looked forward to. As a

youngster, I remember going to the Arts & Crafts Building looking at all the things people had made. Quilts,
needlecrafts, clothing, and the doll houses that were so cool. I wanted each one! I also enjoyed the baked goods. Looking at the decorated cakes and cookies. I started entering my baked goods in the fair several years ago. Anxiously awaiting for opening day to see if I received any ribbons... then as I was wandering around the craft building I not

iced there were less than a dozen entries in the stamp art category. I thought, I could enter something here. When I downloaded the entry form the following year I saw there was a scrapbook category too.
Oooh, this should be fun! So I entered two layouts and two stamp art cards. That year I won Best of Show for my Scrapbook Layout and for my Stamp Art Card, which was a Pirate Party Invite. (The winner receives a rosette ribbon, so cool). This year I won Best of Show for my Stamped Card. It is a Halloween Party Invitation. My scrapbook layouts received a first place and a third place. I entered a Scrapbook Other, which was an invitation to a "Wicked Party" which received a first place, and a Thank You card which received a second place. The Best of Show layout this year went to a co-design team member, Cindy
Fahrbach. She entered a inspirational layout titled "Reunited." She used so many different techniques and embellishments on her layout, it truly is a work of art and worth the price of admission to see! I have not seen the bake goods section to let you know how my cookies did. But I can not express enough how wonderful it feels to see your entry with a ribbon next to it. I love the Fair!
Susan, congrats again on your Best of Show rosette. I'm honored to stand "beside" you! I agree with you that the judging must have been especially difficult this year --SO many gorgeous entries! I can't wait to go to the fair again and take another long look (and more pictures) of the SB wall. I sure do love the fair!
Congratulations Susan!! You are so talented to be entering both paper art items and baked goods--you are awesome! Congrats again. I can't wait to see your entries in person!
Congrats!!! I think I need to judge your cookie entry!!! YUMMMMM!!
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