Thursday, August 21, 2008

La Verne Lazers

Lauren made the La Verne Lazers Soccer Club Team! She's so exited! This should be a fun year. She's in Eighth Grade (a senior at her school). Lot's of field trips and dances and preparing for high school. She takes the entrance exam in January. Sad too. Because this is the last time she will be with a bunch of her friends. It has been the same group of kids since Kindergarten (mostly). Now for High School the boys will go to Damien (all boy) or Bishop Amat (coed). The girls will go to St. Lucy's (all girl) or Bishop Amat. Some go to the public high schools and then some go to other various private high schools. But they will never be together as a group again. It will be an emotional year, I have a feeling. She is already hormonally emotional. But Congratulations! My little soccer club player.


  1. Wow--how exciting!! I bet you are going to be super busy every weekend now but what great pics I bet you'll have!! Congrats!

  2. i can only hope that my kids will have life long friends too. It's pretty amazing to that our kids grow up so fast.

  3. Wow, that many years have passed by since I fist entered kindergarten there... I will be Going to DAMIEN. Where my brother went. And MY sister went to St. Lucy's. Wow... by the way, congrats, Lauren!!!

  4. Wow that is awesome! I can't wait to see the pics from her games! Best of luck to her!!!!

  5. Hey Lauren!
    Wow, good job on making the team! I can't believe we're already in eigth grade!!! I am going to Bishop Amat because of its academics. Gabe told me you're going to St.Lucy's? Well, I have to say, good luck and I hope you have fun!

  6. Oh my soccer!!! Being a vested member in this club soccer for 6 years I'll I can say is sit back and enjoy the game!!! Make the most of your tournaments/vacations...they really can be fun!! Is George Sipa her coach?
