Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Have a Teenager!

It is still hard for me to grasp that my little angel bug is now a teenager! I still remember all the cute things she used to do a young one! Like when she was a baby she would not go to sleep. She would be wide awake and have her mouth open as if to say something. She would get whiny and irritable but never sleepy. David's Mom would have to come over and comfort her, to get her to go down. We finally invested in a moving chair swing thing. She would sit in it and we could turn it on and it would rock back and forth. She would sit there for an hour rocking before she fell asleep. It truly was a life savor device!
I also remember her first day of Pre-School. I walked her into the classroom and showed her the cubby. The teacher and kids were in the back on the play yard. We went back there and I could see in her eyes she was scared. But she turned to me and said in her cute little voice "Mommy, I will be okay. You can leave." I could see little tears in her eyes and then they went away. I remember asking her if she was "Sure?" She told me to go on ahead. This was the first time she would have been around other kids. I had her at home with me and with her grand Aunt mostly. On Tuesdays I took her to Vroman's so she could play with their doll house and we would look at books. She loved that!
I remember what an easy going child she was. Whenever we went to a party or any social event she would go off on her own and come back with a new friend. The parents would always come up to us and say what a wonder child Lauren was. We never had to worry or cater to her. And when we had the bagel stores, she loved to put on an apron and wipe down tables and talk to the customers. So cute... where is that little muffin now? All grown into a thirteen year old!


  1. Wow Susan. What a great story about your not-so-little girl! Love the pager too--those SEI papers were sooooo fun! Love the stitched heart too. Congrats! Also thank you for the love you left on my blog. I really appreciate you!

  2. Your words are as beautiful as your layout is. Time goes by so fast doesn't it.

  3. I can't believe how much she has changed over the last year!! The page is a beauty!!
