Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rose Parade Floats 2010

There is nothing like going to the Rose Parade and seeing the floats and feeling the instruments from the band playing in your ears and hearing the last of the News Years Eve blowers still blowing every once in a while. It is a blast... well until now (maybe). I am talking about the new
televisions (LCD's and LED's) that bring so much to viewing anything on the tube to life. The parade on the HDTV was so beautiful and felt as though you were right there (less the blowers of course). The colors so vibrant and the images so defined! I have to admit that when I took my kids to see the floats up close and personal the next day... I was a little disappointed that the floats were not as colorful and beautiful as they were depicted on the HDTV! Can you imagine, real life taking a second seat to a tv?

But the weather was perfect for viewing. Nice and warm and we walked the whole park where they "park" the floats after the parade. We saw the Boy Scouts float. They had a whole section of tasks and activities for the kids to go in and venture through.

The float with the snowboarding dogs had the dogs still going down the slope. Fun to see up close. But I heard from friends who went to the parade that this float when it went by was awesome... they loved seeing all the dogs sledding down...
The barnyard float had the plane going up and down for the crowd. There were several dancing teams - one in front of the Chinese Pagoda float and an American Indian group of dancers in complete head dress. The Mexico 2010 float had travel representatives there handing out travel guides to Mexico (I don't think they could give away a free trip to Mexico right now....)
Oh, and the Cal Poly float (the college by us) was so adorable! The cartoon like animals were simply adorable! Truly. My pictures do not do any of the floats justice. They were all so wonderful to see.

1 comment:

  1. Susan! Your pics are awesome. We went the day after you. My pictures kind of stink. :( It was definitely different from last year. The poor flowers couldn't hold up as well in this great weather.
