Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Wrap It Up!"

Last night, Lauren and I volunteered at the Leroy Haynes Center for Boys. This is a group home for abused and neglected boys. At Christmas time they have a project called "Wrap It Up." We wrap the gifts that had been donated for the children and made handmade gift tags. When we finish wrapping, there is a group of thirty five to forty volunteers, we bring homemade cookies and sing Christmas Carols to each of the "houses." The group homes each have their own names and house the boys according to age. We sang for two of the "houses." The first house had boys nine, ten and eleven years old. The second "house" we went to had boys twelve, thirteen and fourteen. The staff was so wonderful and uplifting. It is wonderful to see so many caring people helping out those that truly need something special at Christmas. The boys looked lost. As if something was missing. A family. The other "home" we have in our area is primarily for girls. called The David and Margaret Home. When we owned our bagel store we donated the bagels left at the end of the day to The David and Margaret Home. They have a "store" there with donated items from local merchants they sell at a discounted price and use the money to help fund some of the expenses incurred running the facility for the girls. It is a wonderful place for girls who are not able to live with their families or who do not have families. If you live in our area, Pasadena and want to find out how to volunteer for places such as these or other needy organizations you can find out about volunteering on the hands on inland empire web site. Register and they will notify you of upcoming needs. Merry Christmas.

Comment Left by HandsOn Inland Empire:
HandsOn Inland Empire said...
Susan, it was a great surprise to find your blog post in my google alert this morning. Thank you for telling others about HandsOn Inland Empire. You have done a great service in sharing how people can help others. We hope your readers visit our site and serve.Brandi CarterHandsOn Inland Empire Director


  1. Oh my goodness Susan. This is so very generous of you and your family. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for the info.

  2. Susan, it was a great surprise to find your blog post in my google alert this morning. Thank you for telling others about HandsOn Inland Empire. You have done a great service in sharing how people can help others. We hope your readers visit our site and serve.

    Brandi Carter
    HandsOn Inland Empire Director
