Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Craft Ideas for the Kids

The HNM Festival was in October which includes a Holiday Boutique with crafts donated from the Parishioners and students at the school. The students made ornaments this year that I thought were so adorable and easy to make from items that you might have at home. The blue angels are from Michael's that have been painted blue and dipped in Martha Stewart glitter. Her glitters, by the way are so beautiful The colors are so unique and rich. The wood crosses are done the same glitter adhered on. Another ornament is made from a small terra cotta pot. The pot, painted a metallic god with a wood ball glued on top as a face, add some feathers as wings and a gold pipe cleaner for the halo and you have a little angel. Christmas wreath ornaments were made from pasta glued onto a
wood circle. Then painted green with some spray paint. Spay one piece of the bow tie pasta red and glue to the bottom for a bow. Behind the wreath are shirts made of paper and molded over some wire to resemble a coat hanger. Snowflakes made from Popsicle sticks and then the glitter glued on to them. Some had a lot of glitter and looked really good. Another one I thought was cute was a wooden spool with paper wrapped around it and have some extend like thread off the spool and write your Christmas wish list
on it. These were adorables. The paper list could extend quite a bit, and then scroll at the bottom using a pencil to make the bottom curl. And last, was a toy soldier made from wooden clothes pin. Painted black on the bottom to represent pants with two legs, red tops and a face. Glue a black pom pom on the top for a hat and add a red ribbon to hang the ornament on the tree! So easy and so cute! I do not know where the teachers got their ideas from, but I just love the craftiness of them. I love when the kids come home from school with a cute project that I just have to keep. (Ooops, not that I don't keep ALL of their projects). There is something special about a tree with homemade ornaments that have a story to tell. My husband has all of his ornaments he made as a kid for our tree. He loves unpacking the ornaments and telling us the story behind each one. Christmas tradition.


  1. Thanks for these great ideas. I was looking for some cute Christmas craft ideas that my kids can do at home. We might do this Christmas wreath ornaments.
