Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This summer Lauren traveled to Japan with the People to People Delegation. They went to several cities in cities in Japan, spending up to three days in each to get a "feel" for the country. They flew into Tokyo and spent three days in this awesome city. Lauren loved Japan! She said the country was very clean and the people were so nice and trust worthy. She made note of vendors who had their merchandise for sale in baskets. Customers could filter through the basket and leave their money in another basket if a purchase was made. The vendor did not have to "man" or monitor their product. The transaction was all done on the honor system. I

made this two page layout on the city of Tokyo at night. The colors of the neon signs at night made for a nice effect. Coupled with the bright blue paper and the black globe paper, adding yellow as an accent color picking up the Japanese taxi. The ribbon I found at Scrappin' Good Times, reminded me of a seismometer. Japan had an earthquake right before Lauren left on her trip and then another a week after she returned.


  1. What great pages!! How cool for Lauren to experience such a different culture. Wow!

  2. WHO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!.......................................................................................I wish I could have gone... To Japan........

  3. My daughter received an invite from People to People for a trip to England, France, and Italy during the summer of '09. I've been trying to find info regarding the cost but haven't been successful. Is their program very expensive?

  4. My daughter just received an invite to participate in People to People during the summer of '09 in England, France, and Italy. I've been trying to find info regarding the cost but haven't been successful. Is it very expensive?

  5. My daughter just received an invite to participate in People to People during the summer of '09 in England, France, and Italy. I've been trying to find info regarding the cost but haven't been successful. Is it very expensive?

  6. My daughter just received an invite to participate in People to People during the summer of '09 in England, France, and Italy. I've been trying to find info regarding the cost but haven't been successful. Is it very expensive?
